Meets: June 21–November 15, 2025, every third Saturday, 9:30-11:30a
Instructor: Michael Graf
Location: Live on Zoom and in person at A Place to Be
Cost: $995
Enrollment: 6 openings
They say good screenwriting is all about re-writing.
A first draft of a script – while a huge milestone – is also just the first step in the entertainment industry’s development process.
Screenwriters often only get one chance to present their work to potential producers, actors, investors, or agents and it’s important the work be as good as it possibly can be. Even if a producer or director likes your work, they’ll often ask for rewrites and changes.
In our industry, you have to hit a home run every time you step up to the plate.
In this workshop we’ll offer guided feedback as you continue to develop your screenplay. You’ll get a sense from the other workshop screenwriters of what’s working well with your script and what’s not landing as intended. And you’ll read the other student’s work, learning how to give useful feedback and learning collaborative skills that you can apply throughout your writing career.
This workshop is designed to give students intensive and actionable feedback on their feature and pilot length projects. Each two hour class will focus discussion of two student’s entire screenplays, which the group will read beforehand. We will also discuss writing issues and questions as they arise. Then, we’ll repeat the exercise again a month or so later, after each student’s had a chance to rewrite and revise their work.
We’ll focus on what the screenwriter is doing well, then on areas that may need improvement.
We’ll discuss why parts of the script are working and not working and offer suggestions on how to take it to the next level.
You’ll be responsible for reading and discussing each participant’s original work in addition to revising your own screenplay.
This workshop is appropriate for those screenwriters that already have a sound foundation on the screenwriting craft and an existing first draft of a screenplay ready for revision and ready to workshop.
In addition to your own screenwriting, please expect to read fellow participant’s feature length screenplays (90 – 120 pages) and/or pilot scripts (no more than 60 pages) each month and be ready to prepare 1-2 pages of written feedback for each session.